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holy alliance 【歷史】(1815-1816俄、普、奧三國君主訂立的)神...

holy ark

He behaved splendidly in the beginning of his reign and during 1812 ; but he did ill in giving a constitution to poland , in making the holy alliance , in letting araktcheev have power , in encouraging golitsin and mysticism ; and later on , in encouraging shishkov , and foty 他在當政初期和一八一二年干得很出色但是,給波蘭制訂憲法成立神圣同盟把大權授與阿拉克契耶夫鼓勵戈利岑和神秘主義,嗣后又鼓勵希什科夫和福蒂,這些事就做得很糟。

And now does not the thought of the true worship of god in christ through the holy spirit make you feel more than ever that it needs time to enter into such holy alliance with god as shall keep the heart and mind all the day in his peace and presence 現在你對于藉著圣靈在基督里真實的敬拜神的觀念,是否比以前覺得更需要多花時間來與神聯合,以致能保守你的心懷意念,一直在他的平安和同在里呢?

“ well , “ said the marquise , “ it seems probable that , by the aid of the holy alliance , we shall be rid of napoleon ; and we must trust to the vigilance of m . de villefort to purify marseilles of his partisans “嗯, ”侯爵夫人說, “有神圣同盟的幫助,我們有可能除掉拿破侖,至于他在馬賽的那些信徒,我們必須讓維爾福先生來予以肅清。

Some regard the giving of a constitution to poland , and the holy alliance , as highly to the credit of alexander ; while others regard the same actions as a slur on his name 例如,一些人認為給波蘭以憲法和神圣同盟是亞歷山大的功勞,但另一些人卻因此而譴責亞歷山大。

Ran s oldest friends , and chamberlain to the comte d artois , “ that the holy alliance purpose removing him from thence ? 薩爾維歐伯爵是圣梅朗侯爵老朋友之一,又是亞托士伯爵的侍從官。 “聽說神圣同盟想要移居他地呢。 ”